MSX-1-MANIA ARCHIVE ------------------- WHAT IS THIS? ------------- MSX-1-MANIA is a collection of MSX 1 games brought on 130 single sided disk images, acompinied with two extra disks which contain conversions of MSX 1 games which require 128k RAM or 128k VRAM. Each disk has the same interface which allows starting each game with a single key press. WHY THIS ARCHIVE? ----------------- There are two reasons. The first reason is that most of the distribution sites deliver the games as a serie of game files which are not directly readable in most emulators. The second reason is that most of the big sites contain a huge collection of games, but a lot of games are double or don't work. This archive contains almost no doubles and all games were tested. If a game did not work, it was examined and in most cases fixed (this also includes conversion that needed a memmory mapper, and ROM conversion that started after a reset, or came back after a reset). DID YOU INCLUDE MEGAROMS? ------------------------- Nope, you will not find any megarom in this archive. In the past when I used my real MSX I allways considered megarom conversions to be MSX-2 games, because they needed a memmory mapper. Yes, I know that this is in contradiction to the two extra disks (SP1 and SP2) because they also need a memmory mapper, and in one case 128k VRAM. However, the original tapes of these games could be copied and played on your MSX-1. Who knows, maybe I will expand the archive in the future with these megaroms. ARE YOU SURE THERE ARE NO MSX-2 GAMES? -------------------------------------- Yes, I am very sure. I did not include them because the archive would be a lot bigger and probably would have lost its' charme. Playing games from this archive reminds me of the time I only had a MSX-1 with a tape recorder. Well, I think enough is said about the archive and time has come to play some games! MORE INFO? ---------- The official site is located at: For more information contact: